Alexis' Marathon Training

I am training to run the Nike Women's Marathon in San Francisco in October. I am raising money for Team In Training for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. This is documenting my progress in both training and informing people of fundraising events.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Let me introduce you to the team. On the far left is Daniell Roser, the middle two are Jessica Kinzie and Jessica Boyles, and that's me on the right, Alexis Moretti. Here's a little info about us: Danielle is a Social Worker and works with challenged individuals to live their everyday lives. Jessica K. is a fitness instructor at a retiremant community and recently got engaged to an awesome guy named Jason. Jess B. is a teacher in the Philadelphia School District, what more can I say! And I am a Territory Manager for a wholesale perennial grower selling perennials throughout the Northeastern US.

We are really excited about this opportunity to raise money for a great organization and also accomplish an amazing endurance event! Please visit our site often as we share about our training and fundraising for TNT.


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