Alexis' Marathon Training

I am training to run the Nike Women's Marathon in San Francisco in October. I am raising money for Team In Training for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. This is documenting my progress in both training and informing people of fundraising events.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Still Running!

The race date is quickly approaching! Only 7 more weeks left in my training and fundraising. I want to say a big "thank you" to everyone who has contributed so far! It's been so encouraging to hear from everyone, also! I have not quite met my goal of $4000 yet, but I am more than half way there, so thanks!

My training has been going well. As some of you know I was having problems with some knee pain and had to cut my mileage back. I am slowly building back up to where I need to be to complete the marathon. I have been running lower miles but more often, sometimes twice a day! This has seemed to help, but I'm still taking it easy. I am bound and determined to finish this race without knee pain! Whatever it takes.

A few weeks ago my family took a cruise to The Bahamas & Bermuda. We had a great time and I kept my training up even as we sailed the ocean blue. I have to say the highlight to our family vacation was the running track on the cruise ship. (My brother, Andrew, and I running one morning.)

On a Fundraising note: I have rescheduled the Uno's Fundraiser Dinner for September 27th. You might recall the black out that we had back in July that cancelled the original date. This is an easy way to donate to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Just show up at Uno's in Montgomeryville and eat dinner and 15-20% of your dinner bill goes directly to the LLS. I have vouchers that you need to present to the restaurant that evening. If you have questions or need a voucher, please call me 215-393-1602.


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